The best thing about the work I have had this week is that it has been at a school nearby. This means that I get to avoid the most dreaded thing in Melbourne: Public Transport. The school I have been going to is about a twenty-five minute walk, meaning I only need to leave my apartment at eight o'clock. Doing so gives me a whole extra half hour in the morning! The walk is also quite nice as it winds through a beautiful garden complete with fountains and big gorgeous trees. Rain or shine, it's always a nice walk...I even pass by Gotch Lane... Not having to pay for public transport leaves it to be an all profit day for me...WIN WIN!
The one day I did not go to said school, left me with just another reason why I despise public transport. I had had a great morning and I was ready to go when I got the call at seven o'clock on Tuesday morning. I walked to Melbourne Central early and caught the early train that would take me to my connecting train at Southern Cross Station. I stood on the platform at Southern Cross waiting for my train. It wasn't coming. Still not coming. Finally, it arrived five minutes late. I had a connecting bus to catch after the train ride and knew I would miss the one I wanted to take so I searched for an alternative. Sure enough I found one that would take me to the school from the final train station. However, the train came to a complete stop on the tracks just as I had found my alternative route. I thought, perhaps, the train was waiting for another to pass, but the train didn't budge. Ten minutes went by before the train started slowly chugging along. I was now fifteen minutes late all together and if there was another bus, I would be able to arrive at school just in time. Luckily, Jenna was at the same school that day and had taken a different train route so she was able to let the office know my situation. At the train station, I hoped onto a bus with a number I recognized but wasn't sure the route would take me where I needed to go. I guess I was lucky that it turned out to be the right bus. I arrived at the school, just as the buses were unloading the students. I didn't even get time to prep my classroom for the day or even read over the day plan. It's great that all the staff understands how brutal the public transport game really is.
Tomorrow, I am not at the nearby school, but I am going to walk. I am at a school I have never been to before which is in a close by suburb. It will be about an hour walk, but I am looking forward to it. Although the Melbourne weather has completely cooled off (down to 3*C on this mornings walk), the cool crisp air is always refreshing in the morning.
My favourite thing to do during all my walking is listen to podcasts. The only downfall of doing so is that I enjoy listening to podcasts that are rather funny. I realized that I must look like a crazy person walking through the park laughing out loud to myself once I noticed the strange looks starting to come in. Sometimes I do that thing where I try not to laugh, but there is a smile coming through anyway and then it ends up looking like some strange smirk on my face that I am trying to conceal. Either way, I don't mind what people think of me while I'm walking because I do enjoy the podcasts. One that I have been into lately has been The Danny Duncan Show which is hosted by one of my favourite YouTubers, Danny Duncan (also drummer of We The Kings). Him and his friends get together and play games where they guess celebrities net worth or random facts while they wager ridiculous bets. Another podcast that I have been all about recently is Ear Biscuits by Rhett and Link. Basically, the two of them share stories and interview YouTubers - their candid conversations always have me laughing. It may be clear that I enjoy my YouTubers, but I'll save that for another post. As you can see, TedTalksEducation and When the Kids Go To Sleep complete my top four favourite podcasts to listen to on the go!
Lastly, I wanted to say that I have been enjoying having a balcony. I've never lived in a city before nor have I overly enjoyed the 'big city life' BUT, I'll admit it's pretty awesome to have a balcony with a reasonably good view of the city. At six thirty in the morning, sometimes the sky surprises me with pink colours and it's always a mixture of great colours in the evening lately as well. Although, I am sad how it is completely dark out by six in the evening now!
PS: Do you like my new blog header? I love how simple and clean it looks, not to mention I used my two new ABSOLUTELY favourite fonts! :)
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