Check out the interview we did through Google Docs.
First of all, what are your views on using technology in the classroom? What made you want to become a very tech savvy teacher? What do you think are some general and educational benefits?
I've always used tech in my teaching. I find that it integrates so well with a constructivist view, and makes curriculum alive for students. It is so easy to move past a textbook into the real world, and students are so much more connected and engaged. They have authentic audiences and authentic purpose, and the learning is so much more powerful.
For example, when studying Canada’s connections with the world in Grade 5, my students connected with people all over the globe and sent emails. They asked questions based on the research they did and compared the answers. One group was surprised to find that German children don’t go around wearing lederhosen as shown in the encyclopedia, but wear jeans and skateboard to school like them.
Often using the technology makes work more efficient, such as typing up writing. The funny thing is that it rarely saves time over handwriting, because the kids do so much more.
For example, when studying Canada’s connections with the world in Grade 5, my students connected with people all over the globe and sent emails. They asked questions based on the research they did and compared the answers. One group was surprised to find that German children don’t go around wearing lederhosen as shown in the encyclopedia, but wear jeans and skateboard to school like them.
Often using the technology makes work more efficient, such as typing up writing. The funny thing is that it rarely saves time over handwriting, because the kids do so much more.
I know in internship, I wanted to use a lot of technology, but it just was not available at the very small school I was in. How did you start using technology and what were some struggles? Did your school already have many of the tools you use today or did you request them?
For me, the biggest problem has always been access. Being in a school means that budgets are always tight, and technology is always money. It often depends on the principal’s focus.
It also depends on the staff at the school. I have been in schools where I have been seen as the tech leader, and have carried the trouble shooting and fixing of equipment, as well as helping teachers. I’ve also been on staffs where there were several people to share that load. Each presents it’s own challenges.
The school I am in currently was seen as leading the way with the use of SMARTBoards several years ago and was an Elite Showcase school. However, with a change in focus, things have changed quite a bit. We have real issues now with access to computers for our kids. With trying to get student blogs going, it’s been a real problem. A big issue right now for us is evergreening. The laptops that were great three years ago and on a mobile cart now can’t hold a charge and have to be plugged in in a permanent spot. I really miss the freedom of having the laptops in my classroom at the point of instruction. It has left me feeling very frustrated this year.
Another issue for us is student population. Our school is literally bursting at the seams - we have classes in what used to be our music room, and are even using closets as teaching spaces. This means that it is that much harder to find a time to use the computers.
I have worked in schools with lots of technology and in schools with little technology. Definitely, I use my voice to encourage more technology - and usually my projects with what I have prove to admin that the technology is definitely worth it as my students show leadership and learning. Often we will get one of something to try it out, such as the first projector in the school. Instead of keeping it in the library, I asked if I could keep it in my room - I would always give it up when anyone came to ask, but it gave my easy access for the most part. I’ve used that strategy frequently. It gives my students more access, but also proves to admin that the technology is being used effectively. When other teachers see what I can do with it, then they are more likely to try it and ask for more.
What has been your favourite technology or use of technology in your classroom? What is your students?
Tough question. There’s been lots of highlights over the years. One favourite is that it levels the playing field for all students. I love to give a challenged child the tech supports they need to feel confident. That might be using an iPad and typing or using Read and Write Gold/Dragon dictation to get thoughts down. Often using a mindmapping piece lets a student who has difficulty writing get lots of ideas organized and then off they go. There is nothing that feels better than when a student recognizes hey, I can do this school thing after being at the bottom of the pile.
I also love video conferencing and Skyping for the leadership and responsibility it brings out in my students. It’s always great to learn about something and share that, and I give it to the class to decide how we will approach it. I love it when I have them present to adults and the adults say Wow. The kids are always very pumped.
Are there any negative of using technology in the classroom or being online?
I know that there is a lot of media attention about the negative use of technology. When I think hard, there’s only been one time that I was involved with a junior high project with several classes of students. Part of the project involved a WebCT chat room, and some inappropriate comments were posted. It was a good reminder to me to always go into a project being very clear with the students about what being negative will bring. If we discuss how to handle ourselves appropriately and positively before getting on, then that’s what I get from the kids.
We've been working lots with talking about our digital footprint. My kids are tweeting and blogging about the good things, and they see how we can be inspired by a tweet to make a difference. This year my class has connected with Peter Reynolds and others around the world, as well as making a Kindness video that was a highlight of our year.
Has your community and parents responded well to the use of technology and social media in your classroom/school?
Definitely. We've been in the paper and on the news, and our parents have been very supportive. We are lucky to have George Couros in our division, and he’s done so much groundwork for us!
We have been seeing many schools and classrooms go completely paperless. Do you see your classroom being a paperless one where everything is to be done digitally? What would be some major downfalls of having a paperless elementary classroom?
Sadly, my class is far from that right now. I am on a committee for the division that is looking at our direction. I would love to see us in a 1:1 environment where that would be easy to do. Has been very difficult this year with 48 students and little computer access!
For me, the biggest issue is bridging the gap between the have and have not kids. Some of our students bring their own iPad to school. Others haven’t got the finances to have a TV at home. That makes having the technology here at school and giving them those skills vitally important. Always have to think about the Digital Divide!
What is something you would like try or something you would like to do more of with your classroom as far as technology goes?
I would love to get my hands on some Chromebooks! Using Google Drive with our kids this year has been amazing. It’s so easy to have them work at school and then go home and back - seamlessly! With our issues with access, it’s meant that they can use their iPods and iPads to work here at school, freeing up computers for the others.
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