Here are the results of my name Googled. All the information that comes up is actually about me as I have a pretty uncommon last name. Most of the things that come up are about Pinterest, Prezi, and my blogs. I was surprised that Twitter and Facebook didn't come up in the search. In the next nine pages my name comes up a lot with more Pinterest, TeachersPayTeachers and Stampin' Up! pages that I am on as well as online obituaries. I found it interesting how Good Reads is the top thing that comes up on my search because its a book app I downloaded in December and haven't even used since then. Also, my Google+ account shows up but it isn't something I use regularly...or at all.
I am pleased with the results although in the future I would like to see my blogs to one of the top search results. I am hoping to create classroom blogs in the future. All my results are really positive so I am happy with that.
It's very overwhelming to see your sites on page one of Google's search results. I also tried looking for my online store before, and I'm pretty sure my mobile apps helped a lot in boosting my site’s page rank. Well, if you'll be marketing online, you should have a mobile app too, especially when you’ve started on your classroom blogs. :)
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