Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tech Task #4 - Visual Literacy

(click to enlarge)
This weeks assignment was to create two six word stories. Here is my first, which is more like a five word story. The picture is my own from my trip to South Africa this past May. I edited the picture and included the words. Happiness, for me, is making others happy and I believe those words compliment my picture well.

I took Dean's wonderful suggestion to change the font colour and add a drop shadow! Look at what a different it makes! Thanks Dean!
(click to enlarge)


  1. That photo is striking. Both the color splash effect and of course the faces. I also love the text placement and font but would like make it white with a drop shadow to make it stand out more.

  2. Thanks Dean! You are so right, the white text and drop shadow totally make a difference!
